Rodin and camille claudel biography in french

Rodin and camille claudel biography in french

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    1893 -1908 : Period of solitary creation

    “I have lots of new ideas that would please you enormously (…) I'm greatly enjoying working (…) As you can see, it’s no longer anything like Rodin (…)” These few lines from a letter written by Camille Claudel to her brother in December 1893 reveal her current state of mind.

    Break-up with Rodin

    1893: Camille Claudel distances herself from Rodin and isolates herself in her work, exasperated by even the most laudatory critics, who hasten to connect her work with that of her master.  She would never cease to distance herself, to underline her uniqueness and autonomy.  She embarks in new directions and begins her “sketches from life” series inspired by everyday subjects.

    Nevertheless, Rodin, at the height of his career, would continue to discreetly support her both financially and within the art world.

    In late 1893, Rodin rents the Villa des Brillants in Meudon, to which he moves with Rose Beuret.

    He would become the owner of